I loved having a “word” for the year. For 2011, I had three! Soften, strengthen, and forgive changed me. They took up residence in me, stretched me, and shifted things within me and in my life.  Here’s what happened:

Soften.   I softened my judgment, my inner critic, my talk, my eyes, my way of being, and my “pushing the boulder up the hill” mentality.  I softened my expectations of others (ok, sort of, still in progress!).  I noticed how, in the moment of stress, instead of becoming rigid and harsh, I could more quickly soften.

strength and softness

Strengthen.  I strengthened my body, how I carry myself, and my inner glow.  Pregnancy and c-sections take their toll on me, leaving me feeling quite weak.  This year I got my strength back.  I feel it in every muscle – still workin’ on those abs!  I walked with more confidence – as a parent and a professional.  And my inner glow – well, by softening I feel like I’m strengthening my soul’s light to shine through more.

me and brian after finishing the warrior dash

Forgive.  I found myself needing to let go of old stuff I’ve carried too long and also needing to let go of “everyday stuff” that could ruin a day  – just letting it go, asking for forgiveness, and moving on.   In softening my judgment, I found that forgiving would spontaneously happen.  I exhale and then breathe in the opportunity of softening and connecting in the next moment.  It works.

It’s amazing to carry a few words within you for a year and to see how they change your heart, how they come out in your smile and hands, and how they shift your everyday life, perceptions and relationships.

In thinking about my word for 2012, I said to myself, “This year I’ll have just ONE word.” And well, nope, that’s not how it’ll go down yet another year. Again, I have three:

1. silly
2. sensual
3. connections

Silly. My son is hilarious. A jokester. His presence reminds me that a good laugh goes a long way in connecting with others. I need to laugh more. All four of us do. This puts me out of my comfort zone.  I’m not silly.  Fun, yes, but silly?  Not so much.  So here’s to lightening up and being silly.

being silly

Sensually feminine.I am being drawn into all that “flows,” and is feminine, water-like, and powerfully “woman.”  From what I wear to keeping my hair long.  From communicating with a feminine strength, compassion, and fierce regard for life to embracing “non-linear healing” and ways of being in this world.  Not being about conquering, analyzing, dissecting, or thinking my way into the next phase of my soul’s journey.  I’m ready for some deep listening to my soul’s song (or poetry, in my case!), energizing movement, honoring the unknown, and living with a fierce but gentle strength.

the ocean

Connections.  I’m pretty good about staying in touch with friends from the different places I’ve been.  But I’d like to just put more attention into nurturing and tending to the lovely connections I/we have with amazingly wise, hilarious, genuinely kind friends and family, near and far.  “Connections” also continues to mean “being in cahoots” with Brian and with my kiddos — lightening up, deeply listening to what I “intuit” about my kiddos and nurturing their connection to their soul’s path.

sweet friends

my two little superheroes

So those are my words for 2012!  We’ll see how it all unfolds.

What are your word or words for 2012?

Blessings to each of you in this new year.


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