embracing your sensual goddess

I wrote a post awhile back titled “Enough.” Enough of us women playing small, cutting on other women, displacing our anger, and enough of not believing in ourselves, our dreams, and each other.

“Enough” is rising up in me like a volcano. I see it in other women. I see it present in our culture – women reclaiming our feminine power.  Do you feel it too?

Do you sense the movement within you to abandon your ego and false beliefs?  Do you feel the tension building between the call of that Divine movement and your desire to cling to what is no longer serving you?

Do you hear the Great Mother, the ultimate of feminine power, calling you to stand and rise and embrace your inner goddess?  Do you hear her whispering to you, “Come.  Claim your birthright to embody me?”

It IS our birthright to discard the destructive beliefs, lies we’ve told ourselves, and false stories that have been written on our skin and planted in our psyche.  It IS our birthright to claim our sensuality and the power of our feminine form.

But how?

How do we reclaim, embrace, and embody our feminine power?

It is NOT through patriarchal or Puritanical ways.  It’s not through domination or denial.

When we embrace, allow, hold everything in spaciousness, share power, and connect, we turn the lies written on our bodies and in our minds to ash.

Instead of pushing away — anything that is painful, ugly, “other” — we allow it to be present too.  We embrace it as Thich Nhat Hanh would say “as a dear one.”

We hold every thought, belief, emotion, and part of ourselves in s p a c i o u s n e s s.  No denying, pushing away, clinging to.

Here’ s an idea I told a client this week… Imagine a beautiful big bowl before you — huuuuge.  Imagine that bowl holding all the different parts of you, all the story lines, all the desires, all the answers to the question: “What is happening right now?”  And you just see the bowl holding it all. WE ARE THAT BOWL.  All we have to do is hold it.  Allow it.  Create spaciousness.  AND IT ALL SHIFTS ON IT’S OWN.

Instead of dominating, we share power. We share space.  We share resources.

Instead of disconnecting — from any part of ourselves, from our beloveds, from life — we connect.


We listen to the delights of our heart guiding us in EVERYDAY ways of giving voice to the goddess within that wants to emerge.  Like for me — I’ve been growing my hair out for two years now.  I felt the call to have “luscious long hair.”   This was a step.  And here’s my luscious long hair.  I love it.  I feel sensual — not for anyone else — but for me.

me with luscious long hair. goddess rising!

I’ve started to buy a few outfits that speak “goddess” to me.  I’ve started to be BOLD – with how I advocate for my dear ones, how I teach, and how I speak my truth.  I see the goddess in other women and moms — and I point out what I see.

Everyday there is an opportunity for us to embrace our inner sensual goddess.

And…any religion, dogma, or personal belief that tries to keep that feminine voice down is truly not of God. THAT is sin.


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