Here is the first video by the Barefoot Barn! It’s about finding a sacred pause in your everyday life…and making miracles out of the ordinary. Enjoy! Hope it inspires you!
Thank you to these awesome women who contributed to this first video. They are all moms, professionals, and incredible women who bring beauty and kindness into this world.
Megan Jones
Meredith Mullins
Samantha Schroeder
Molly Spence
Tracy Sullivan
For everyday wisdom,
visit Meg @
For family photography,
visit Tracy @

My privlege to know an incredible woman who brings beauty and kindness into this world.
Thank you, BB. Your comments always make my heart smile.
Absolutely beautiful. It reminded me of the miracles I shared today.
Thank you, Kay. I am lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law!
Lovely sentiment – and such beautiful photos – well done!
Thank you, lovely Rosemary!
Beautiful. The world and life is a glorious place! Thanks for the reminder to pause and feel a sense of wonder, peace and blissful gratetude.
I came back to watch this again, and cry, again. But that’s just me in my mid-forties power mode 🙂 The imagery, the timing, the music, the words… all of this came together perfectly! This amazing video makes me want to call out: I LOVE CHILDREN! That is why I have been going on and on about Playing For Change lately. And when I think about what you wonderfully wise and powerfully gentle women are doing here, I get a thrill of delight. It feels like everywhere I look I see more and more GOOD happening and love shining. This video does much towards helping heal our world Lisa. And it’s just the first one! You are such a loving inspiration. And if I wasn’t already following Meg and Tracy, I sure would now! Thinking of you with so much love and gratitude, today, and every day. Gina
YEAH!! Your video series at last unleashed!! Can’t wait to watch this. It’s good to reconnect with you, dear Lisa; have been traveling, so forgive the silence for a while. Hope you have been well. Huge hug!
Hello sweet Angela!!! YES! Good to hear from you! I, too, have been a bit “off line” having some good creative time w/ the new stuff the Barn is going to be up to! Good to have you back and to reconnect! Blessings to you, Lisa
Oh my goodness, what a sweet, sweet film. I love how you used pauses in thediting to help support the message of the pause. Such moving images, too. Beautiful.
❤ ❤ This was so, so beautiful!! It helps remind us that every moment is truly a miracle. ❤ ❤
Thank you, Mae. I try to remind myself too!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. I want to post it everywhere so everyone can see it! I put the link to it on my FB homepage. I added it to my daughter’s FB page. I will e-mail it to my son. It is one I will watch again and again. Yes, I will be sure to click on this link whenever I need to be uplifted and reminded – everyone and everything is sacred. God bless you!! Thank you for posting it!
Ahhh, Jan, you made my heart totally smile! It was our first try at making a video. Soon I’d love to narrate some of my other poems while images flash on the screen. We shall see. Thank you for visiting and I look forward to reading more of your posts! It’s so delightful to hear from a grandma’s side of family and god and life and love.