This fall, I am drawn to pause.  Summer had us out and about, playing in the sandbox and on the playground, swimming and hiking, meeting up with friends, and looking at bugs (oh yes.).  We had our “Summer Activities Board” up in our kitchen from May til August, sparking spontaneity and creativity.

But every fall, and even this year with school starting for us, I find myself drawn to pause.

To slow down.  To “go within” after months of being out in the world.  To regroup.  To be in my body and heart.  And to rest there for awhile.

Stillness calls me.  Even as I type away from my second floor window in Georgetown.  Even as I drive up and down (up and down, up and down!) 270.  Even as I walk to work in the eaaaaarly morning hours of dawn (now just two days a week!).  As I go home and hug my kiddos and heat up some soup and put C’s rainboots on her little feet and help my son get into his knight costume.

Fall calls me to pause.  To breathe it all in.  And to let it all go, too.  And to rest.  My thoughts, my worries, my plans, my body.

Some times “how-to” steps can be helpful when cultivating a new practice…Here’s a post about taking a Sacred Pause I wrote in the Spring with easy “steps to follow” for finding that sacred pause.

Here’s another post about finding that Sacred Pause in our parenting.

I find that when I pause throughout my day, the Sacred emerges…or rather, I wake up and SEE the Sacred already alive and present in my day.  I soften.  I open.  My shoulders relax, my breath deepens.  And I find that a sense of gratitude fills my heart.  The beauty all around me beacons me to honor and reverence this one precious and short life.

Sweet blessings of Pause to you all.


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