{Our family is committed to doing 28 acts of service to honor those who died in Newton, CT. Won’t you join us?!!! Commit to doing a set number of acts of kindness and see how it changes your heart, home, and community! }
She is a gift-giver. Our sweet little two-and-a-half year old. Two pieces of paper cut with those cute little child-size (and dull ends!) scissors and pasted together (think “really messy!”), a page from a Frosty the Snowman coloring book, a pink rock from her “rock collection” on her shelf, a pinecone found on a winter walk…Little C. finds things and out of the blue comes a sweet excitement that causes me to pause, “Mama, I make this one for papa”… or grammy, or nana, or her brother, or a neighbor, or one of MY coworkers.
Some times, she thinks of the person first — someone, who, from the deep wellspring of love within her heart that leaves me awe-struck and wondering “who ARE you, little one?!” – needs a little gift from her. Then she goes to her craft area, pulls out the right supplies, sits at the little kiddo table, and gets started.
That’s how it happened yesterday. We walked in from the Y and she announces, “Mama, me make ‘sum – fing’ for trashguys.” I thought, “Now that’s a good one!” And she got me all inspired too. I swear she must have read Patience Salgrado’s blog and her post about leaving a gift for the trashmen one random day (check out her blog. I guuuuuuuarantee you’ll be inspired by her work, images, and life. She is the “kindness girl!”)
So we got a gift bag, made up a plate of cookies that Brian just made, and then we set about making a card for the trashmen. Little C wanted to cut out a fairy from her Sesame Street coloring book and went for the multi-colored squeezy glitter glue that she can get her little hands around. I wrote a message at the top.
So proud, little C. put on her snowboots (no, it’s not snowing here!) and set out to put the bag on top of the trash bags.

Sweet Little C., present for the trashmen. (folks have asked what happened to her little nose. One word “Concrete.” It wasn’t pretty. But now she’s healing just fine).
And then we waited.
I’m grateful we didn’t have to wait too long. Within ten minutes, we heard the familiar sounds of the trash truck getting closer to our block. And then we saw it — we saw the trashmen going about their usual business quickly and efficiently…and then stop. look at the trash pile. look up at the house (where we were now standing at the front door behind the glass door because it was cold!). and wave to us. and smile. another bowed. They carried the bag back to their truck and we watched as they threw the trash in the back and give our bag of cookies to the driver.
I couldn’t take a picture. I was just really there. Watching Little C. Bowing in my own way, with a deep smile, to our trashmen. Kindness does change everything — beginning with our own hearts.
* {It’s Rachel’s post about her sweet daughter’s gift-giving that confirmed it for me — Little C’s love language that is emerging is gift giving. All those little scraps of paper cut, glued, folded and colored…those are the little gifts many of our kiddos give to us to show how much they love us…and the world. Check out Rachel’s site. It’s amazing. She has started “the hands-free revolution.” Another soul sister on a mission to be RIGHT HERE in the messy and miraculous of our everyday lives.}
** What about Act of Kindness #2 and #3? I posted them on our Barefoot Barn Facebook page. If you aren’t on FB, here they are:
Act of kindness #3: fresh off the crochet needle — a pink “signature” necklace (that a group of us ladies juuust took a class in and learned how to do!). I gave it to a sweet seven year old girl who said,
“Oh I so love that!”
“Would you like it? Here you go, sweet love.”
(child puts it on and is beaming): “I feel like a princess! Thank you!”
The act of kindness: the seven year old warming my heart with her huge, delight-filled smile.
Act of kindness #2 : ATTEMPTED to let Brian sleep in and enjoy the morning.
“Babe, I’ve got this. You just rest up.”
But then…our five year old son woke up crying with a “broken heart” because one of his friends in school is moving to another country, our two year old wanted to make an art project, milk spilled at the breakfast table, we forgot to make lunches the night before, our son wanted to get a photo of him to give to his friend who is moving, socks had holes in them, presents for teachers werent finished..iit goes on.
This is just how it is, right?!
So there I was focusing on how my act of kindness just wasn’t going to happen n feeling a bit sad abt that, really wanting to give Brian a break, when I started to notice instead how our family is in this TOGETHER…Brian got up because he could hear that there was a lot going on this morn n didn’t want me to be doing it alone, our son wanted to do something kind for his friend that was moving, our daughter wanted to make an art project for my coworkers we are going to visit tomorrow, and I dropped the “I’ve got to get all these things done” line and was just present to my family.
So though my original act of kindness didn’t pan out, I’d say it turned into a beautiful morning full of kindness.
I am SO honored to be mentioned in this beautiful post! Yesterday when you posted about giving the necklace to the 7 year old, I cried. I thought my eyes had been opened to the gift children are to us, but in light of the recent events, they have REALLY been opened. My prayer is that I never lose sight of their value.
I am so inspired by what you are doing with the 28 Acts of Kindness. Each time I read about an Act of Kindness for one of the precious angels from Sandy Hook, I feel a sense of hope. Each time I do an Act of Kindness in their name, again, I feel hope. I celebrate you for spreading this incredible message. Because LOVE can and WILL prevail. I am with you, sister. We are in this thing together. I am so honored.
Sweet Rachel, your words are like a soft blanket around me. Thank you. Your posts — the clarity and passion and “laser like” attention to what matters — your ability to see so clearly — sit with me. A word, a phrase, an image that you share come to me throughout the day. Like, “I love watching you……” And another one — something like…if you feel the urge to hug or stay and read that story or give one more kiss “DO IT. Do it now.” I did that last night — when Little C. called for me to go in to her room another time. I whispered to myself, “Go and kiss her sweet little head. Lay with her. The work and handmade xmas stuff will wait.” I did. This is what I am often mindful of but your words have given me an extra sense of solidarity with other mamas! Many blessings to you, soul sister, mama! Lisa
I’m so impressed and touched by this beautiful story. Your daughter is a divine little angel. Thank you for sharing what really matters in this world we live in. You rock.
Brenda, sweet love, your words totally touch me! You said it — our sweet Little C IS a divine angel. From the day she was born, people have come up to me and said there is just something about her. She is one of my greatest teachers (along with my son!). Many blessings to you. Thank you for taking the time to share your words with me. They made my morning. Love, Lisa
I love it! Very touching story and THANK YOU for doing ALL of the 28 who lost their lives. Some are only doing 26! Keep sharing please !!!!!
Cindy, yes, some are doing 20, others are doing 26, and still others are doing 27 and 28. I recognize that we can only be where we are at on our path — of reconciliation, of healing, of forgiving. I happened to be teaching on forgiveness throughout the first part of December. The “theme” of including all, excluding none kept coming to me (in my own practice). I clearly see in my own life and practice that whenever I exclude, I suffer. So, ironically enough, there was a few weeks of conscious, intentional practice of forgiving and including and realizing that I can still have boundaries with a person AND still forgive them. Folks can be held accountable and be responsible for their actions…AND we can still hold them in our hearts. There is no person who hurts others who isn’t hurting inside — put another way — anyone who makes others suffer is also suffering.
I’d rather folks do 26 acts of kindness than none at all. In doing the acts of kindness, something shifts within us. Our heart widen. My hope is that our hearts widen so that we include ALL eventually.
Cindy, many blessings to you! Lisa
That’s great. And I love that she went with the sparkly fairy for the “big, tough” trash guys 🙂
LOL! I didn’t consciously think about that! But now that you say this, I was “aware” of the picture she was choosing and something in me did think about how that’d melt the trashmen’s hearts — but it wasn’t on a really conscious, “on the front burner” kind of thought. too funny! Love to you!! Lisa
Oh my goodness – these photos touched my heart. Especially the last one. So very beautiful and poignant. Love ♥
Awww. thank you, meg! yes, that’s my sweet little c! what a honey! i love seeing the pics of your son — what a gem. love to you, lisa