For the past three years, I’ve chosen a word, or a few words, for the year. Each year, these words have taken up residence in my heart, words, interactions, and daily living. They have stretched me and shifted things within me and my life. They are still with me — present some times as whispered prayers, other times as humbling reminders. I still carry each word with me today.
For 2011, my three words were: soften, strengthen, and forgive.
For 2012, my three words were: silly, sensual, and connections.
For 2013, I’ve chosen one word: light.
I want to look up at the sky and notice the light – at dawn, midday, on rainy and snowy days, at dusk. Candlelight. Moonlight. Sunny day light.
I want to look for and notice the light within my own self and others — to practice “noticing the good” rather than defaulting to noticing what isn’t, or what’s missing and wrong.
I want to lighten up — to be silly, to soften, to physically lighten up and lose a few lbs, to go with the flow, to remember what is most important.
Light. In all its forms and shadows. Noticing even when the light seems dim — in my heart, in the early mornings when I commute to work, in the eyes of others….and to stay. To stay there and be with that dimness, to light a candle – actually and metaphorically – and create a sacred, safe place for those shadows to appear. Noticing even when the light is too bright — when I can no longer ignore the truth rising up within me to take action. Noticing when I am full of light and how that feels, how that changes the tenor of our home, how that relaxes my muscles, how that changes my interactions with others.
Light. We’ll see how the light takes up residence in me this year!
What’s your word for the year????
Happy New Year, Lisa! What a perfect word you’ve chosen. I love it. My word for the year is SIMPLIFY. 🙂
SUSAN, of course: simplify!!!! I LOVE IT! Yes yes! So beautiful! Happy new year, dear heart! Love, Lisa
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Thanks to the Photographers,
Happy New year Lisa, I am liking the word “light ” reminds me of God’s Word, for he is the Light of the world. My word this year is Blessed!
Lucy, yes, there definitely are a lot of references (obviously!) to light in the Bible! I know this might sound funny, but I didn’t think of that when I “noticed” that this word is what needed to be my word for the year! Many blessings to you, Lucy! Love, Lisa
And you are so much this light Lisa! I love this post –it truly exemplifies how I try to live daily, how I approach others, how I’ve attempted to raise my daughters. There is always light – even when there are dark shadows… depending on how we choose to focus — we can discern and notice light as well. It is a wonderful word for 2013 ~ I will accept this post as a GIFT (my latest focus-word) today and meditate on this warm glowing light I have envisioned in reading your words today ~ Blessings and Love for 2013…
Awww, Robyn, what a light YOU are! Happy birthday again! Love to you, dear one! Lisa
Thank you Lisa! What beautiful words to live by! After reading this I plan to do the same? The first word that comes to me for this year is “Heal.”
YES YES — HEAL. I will be so curious to hear how this word takes up residence in you, how it manifests for you. Please keep me posted. Many blessings – HEALING blessings to you, Lisa
I love this! Light was my word last year and I sort of wish I could just choose it again. Such richness in the word. oxo
Lindsey, I had forgotten that “light” was your word for 2012. OF COURSE! All your pictures of the sky, etc. Do you know what’s funny? I thought of YOU when I realized that “light” wanted to be my word for the year. I thought of you and all your beautiful pictures of the sky. So you inspired me!
And you know what — what if you chose the word again??? Although I had a few new words for 2012, “forgive” still lingers with me from 2011. They never really leave, do they? I feel like “silly” is still calling to me. “Soften” seems to be “full” in me and ready to create space for a new word to embody. Same thing with “strengthen” — I am super strong now. “Sensual” still wraps itself around me. And of course, “connections” is an “always” word with me. I’d be curious to hear how “light” is calling to you — if it still wants a prominent place in your heart and day…or if it’s moving into the “background”.
Love to you,
Hi Lindsay. It’s lovely to find you on Lisa’s page :-). Blessings, Meg xo
My word this year is “strength”.
Recognising the innate strength within myself. Knowing, and feeling confident, that I am capable.
Strength of mind in knowing that I don’t have to follow my thoughts. That my thoughts do not define me.
Strengthening my meditation practice.
Strengthening the bonds between me and the people that I love.
Meg — that was one of my words in 2011!!! I was focused on physical strength after having tough pregnancies and labors. I was soooo weak. That strength is back. Same with my “strength” in self-confidence – as a mom, a professional.
Yes yes yes, I can see strength as your word!!! I look forward to hearing how the year goes for you! So love you, dear Meg. Love, Lisa
Oh Lisa – you have no idea how grateful I am to know you! :-). You bring such light and love into the world (and my world!). Much love to you xo
You made my heart just leap with gratitude!
I believe light has already taken a firm place in your life. This is beautiful and inspiring. I have a few words or phrases this year:
Let go and quit trying to fix anything or anybody…and…
Continue to step out of my story and give up the labels I’ve put on myself and others.
Thank you for this beautiful post.
Dear Brenda,
A humble “thank you.” Yes, often I have found that my “word for the year” has already been swirling within me by the time it reaches my consciousness.
I so hear you about letting go…just letting go of trying to fix ANYthing or anyone…including ourselves… stepping out of our STORIES and rather into the felt sense of the present moment. Oh yes, and those labels! Me too, Brenda!!! I feel like that is what is happening on a global scale…casting off old assumptions, beliefs, labels about ourselves and others. I found myself thinking about this the other day at hte playground with the kiddos — just as “easy” as “This is just a label! Who says?!” I mean, labels that I’ve had on me for decades….going. You inspire me, dear Brenda!!!!
Love, Lisa
Thank you, Lisa. My blog for this week is going to be about some of the change I “sense” going on in our energy field. It indeed is a new day. Hugs and love, Brenda
My goodness, where have I been?! Ok here I am, delightfully catching up on all these treasures you’ve posted, and now have me contemplating my word for the year. I like that concept very much, and your singular choice for 2013 is perfect. I will give this some thought but there’s a lot to be said for intuition and the world that keeps ringing in my mind is PEACE. Calming, deep inner peace. From which the outer manifestation of world peace can blossom. But another word (and hey! I can have a few 😉 ) is COMMUNITY. I want to resume an Empowering Women listening circle that I used to hold in my old neighborhood. It feels like the time to bring it back. As always, dear heart, thank you SO much for your lovingkindness.
Love and Hugs, Gina
Gina, for the last two years I had “three words of the year.” It’s just another way of being mindful and focusing the heart, mind in the midst of the busyness of life. But, yes, there are words that are always with me, too, like delight, community, compassion, gentleness, softening! I love the idea of the Empowering Women listening circle! Tell me more! Love you, Gina. Lisa