
When is the last time you talked to someone and they didn’t say they WEREN’T busy?!
A conversation usually goes like this:

“How are you guys?”
“Oh you know, we’ve got such n such going on and then there’s such n such coming up. We’re runnin’ from one thing to the next.”
“Oh I know. We are so busy too.”

It’s so common place that we come to expect people to say they are busy. And we think nothing of it when we say how busy we are.

But we should.

When’s the last time you WEREN’T hurrying to get somewhere?  Didn’t have adrenaline rushing through your veins on the way to work or to drop off your kiddos?

All this being busy and hurrying everywhere reeks havoc on our nervous system. It keeps us in stress mode. And that effects EVERY system in us – immune system, digestive…you name it.

And our children???

Our children’s generation is the first to be so darn rushed all the time from a young age on. What do we think is going to be the impact on our children’s developing brains, hearts, bodies, and relationships to be so hurried all the time, to be so in stress mode all the time???


Well the other night, I had enough. I had enough of treating the clock as a god. I had enough of hurrying my kiddos to eat breakfast and get out the door and into the car to go to school.  I was appalled at how the doctor and nurse (though knowledgable and kind) hurried our daughter through her three-year old check up with rushed hands — and how they probably did this with every other child that day and no other parent thought ANYTHING of it.  Why? Because we are used to it!  We are used to our bodies and presence not being regarded as sacred.

Well, enough, I said.

Sitting at the breakfast table…late…I looked around and I thought, “This is crazy. Our culture has lost all regard for honoring the sacredness of the body, for reverencing and honoring its flow. I refuse to teach my children to not honor their bodies. Let them sleep. Let them eat. Peacefully. And Brian and I are doing nothing for our relationship with our kiddos to be on them and hurrying them. Enough. I call for a family ban on being busy and in a hurry.”

Maybe it’s this mid-life shift thing I’m going through (it’s not a crisis and it’s not an awakening. I’m awake. Now I’m just takin’ action n shiftin’ stuff. Big time.).  I’m taking more responsibility for MY life and how I want to live it. No one else is going to be at my deathbed with me and the divine.

It’s going to be me and God reflecting back on my life and asking, “Did I love fully?  Did I live fully?”

It won’t be: “Did I get the kiddos to soccer practice on time?”

Instead I’ll recall images of me and Brian being present with our children.  I’ll recall regarding them and seeing, really SEEING, their needs…and responding to them.  I’ll recall holding Little C. for awhile longer even though we are late for a playdate.  I’ll recall letting Big A. sleep in, leisurely being with him (with my eyes, my attention, my tone of voice), and then going to school.  I’ll recall the times I remembered what is most important.


So it’ll take some time (ha!) to get the busy and the hurry out of our nervous systems. But I am committing myself to “the ban on busy”. I’m committing myself to not being in a hurry.  To slowing it all down.  And really, there is no time to be in a rush.  Life is precious.  Short and precious.

**Dear Readers, Colleagues, Clients and Customers….what kind of busy and hurrying do you want to ban?  It takes effort and courage.  But I am telling you, your nervous system and your children’s will be deeply nourished by your commitment and dedication to banning busy and hurry.


I wrote  this post in 2013 when I declared “our family’s ban on being busy.” I realized I had NO TIME TO RUSH. I realized that at the end of my life, I won’t be thinking, “Ohhh I wish I went along more with our culture’s schedule and expectations and activities”.  I won’t regret slowing down, nourishing my children’s (and mine) nervous systems, and savoring our connection.

Three years later, I can still often rush and hurry. But I am ever so aware of it. I make — MAKE — moments of connection throughout the day. I am intentional about slowing down. I am intentional about the activities we get involved in. I am intentional about how much time we spend together — really together.

We have made BIG choices as a family in order to live this way. Brian and I both work locally so we can actually SEE each other and spend time as a family. The book I’d love to write has taken much, much longer than I had anticipated. We still live in our same small but light-filled house.

I see people in counseling and Compassion Coaching who, at first, are stuck in their habits of thinking, “It’s not possible.” It’s not possible to slow down, to even CHANGE jobs, to shift their schedules. And soon in our work, possibility begins to open within them.

Yes, sometimes it takes BIG choices. And other times, it’s the small, everyday choices to turn to our dear ones and really SEE them.

I remember when I first posted this back in 2013.  I had some people telling me that I’d never be able to do it, that I was putting my own needs before someone else’s and that I was disregarding other people’s schedules.  Hmmmmm…. Well, I have never had such negativity on this blog or in my life.  And really, what these few naysayers said or wrote actually has been the complete opposite:

Anyone who knows us personally as a family knows how regarding we are of our family, friends, and our commitments. If anything, our commitments to others have been enhanced by our “ban on busy” — when we commit, we commit. When we say we are going to do something, we do it. And THAT is quite counter-cultural in a world of families who are tired, overscheduled, are starving for connection, and flake out on commitments.

May you be inspired to make the big or small changes in your life and your family’s life to ban busy and nourish your connections. And if you need support in making these shifts, check out my Compassion Coaching. It’s nourishing and deeply supportive for both you and your family.


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