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Gem of Truth: How many of us hold back?

Hold back from saying, “I love you” or telling a dear one how you light up when they are with you?

Hold back from appreciating this life of yours and being grateful?

Hold back from asking for what you want? Asking for support, a hug, a friend to listen – really listen?

Hold back from holding your children and telling them why you think they are amazing?

Hold back from calling your aging mom or dad and telling them how much you do love them?

How many of us hold back?

How many of us don’t really live life but rather just get through it?

How many of us want to live with a sense of freedom where love motivates our actions and belief in ourselves?

Maybe it’s me turning 40 soon. Maybe it’s something within me finally reaching a tipping point over the last few years. Maybe it’s now being a parent and seeing how that fierce love we have for our children teaches us how to love and honor ourselves.

Whatever it is, I’m not holding back any more. Over the last few years, I’ve taken little (and some big!) steps to live with no regrets. I’ve taken it slow. I’m not out to conquer anything but rather EMBRACE. Embrace my life.


Whether you are 20, 42, 57, 65 or 92, if you have been holding back, don’t.

Listen to that voice within you and say what you have been dying to say – for years, maybe even decades.

Listen to that voice within you that encourages you to speak your truth, be bold, take a chance, be sensual, be a rock star (even if just in your own bathroom!), go for what you deeply, deeply desire.

Leap. Take a chance. Sure It’s safer to stay put. But you are unhappy! You feel the gripping in your throat each time you hold back.

Honor your own self – the yearnings, the whisperings, the prompts within you that want you to feel free, untethered, alive, connected…and whole.

Today, ask yourself: “What am I holding back?”

Today, try taking ONE step toward not holding back – toward speaking your truth.

Even if it has to be a LITTLE step – that’s how we do it! Even if it has to come out as a whisper or the words aren’t “perfect.”

DROP the perfect. Drop the self-judgment.

Notice the sense of contentment and wholeness that come from not holding back…and EMBRACING your life.


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