
 Today’s Gems of Presence:  “Walk beside me.”

Back in May, we “farm sat” for a long weekend.  Chewy, one of the dogs, never left our son’s side.

A few days ago, my son and I were out back playing at the playground.  It was getting late, even for summer time.  “Ok kiddos, time to go in,” I said.  I started to walk back toward our house.  I was thinking about bath time and missing it – again.  I was thinking about the projects Brian and I are working on, how the house is a mess, and deciding whether or not I had energy to work on a few writing assignments.

Then I heard my son call from behind me, “Mom, could you walk beside me?”     

I turned and looked at him.  He wanted me to walk beside him.  Not in front of him.  Not behind him.  But beside him.  I dropped whatever I was thinking about.  Somehow the projects didn’t seem that important.  The writing assignments could wait.  The dishes in the sink could stay there.

“This is what is most important right now,” I whispered to myself as a reminder.

So we walked side-by-side into the house.  I gave up the need to rush and worry, and we leisurely chatted a bit while he got an evening snack — me sitting on one of the kitchen stools, elbow resting on the kitchen island, hand cupping my cheek, watching him, listening to him as he poured some milk and grabbed a bite to eat, marveling in this little human being who is growing up so fast.
There are times when we “walk before” our children – times when we need to look ahead as we look out for their well being and their development.

There are times when we “walk behind” our children – giving them space to leave the nest, explore, make decisions on their own, as we watch from a distance.

But then there are the “everyday” times when we are in a rush, we feel the pressure to get things done, and we might miss the silent invitation that is always present:  to “walk beside” our kiddos.

To slow down,

look them in the eyes,

smile at them,

regard them with our presence,

and BE present.  Just for a few moments.

To not be ahead of them, walking to the car, calling back to them to hurry up.

To not be behind them, telling them to hurry down the stairs and get their shoes on and get out the door.

To be beside them, allowing them to take the time to put their shoes on, collect their important toys (spy toys here!), and BE with you.

No guilt here, folks.  There is a huuuuge amount of pressure on us in this culture to run our lives according to the clock.  And often we are doing it alone – one parent holding the door open, bags in our hands, clicking the cardoor button open, planning the family events, making sure we have snacks, responding to text messages (“Yes, we are coming!”  “Sorry! Running late!”), making sure everyone has shoes on.  There’s a lot there.

But we CAN slow down – just a bit — and say “YES” to the invitation to walk beside our children – recognizing that this is the most important thing to do in this particular moment.   I am noticing, too, and reflecting on how these little “everyday moments” are what silently and slowly nurture a sense of self in our children. These are the little moments that “add up” and take up residence in our children’s hearts.  These are the moments that communicate over and over again, “You matter.”

It’s not perfectly perfect every second of the day.  I’m getting over that!  There are moments, though, when, instead of being ahead of them or behind them, I can cultivate a posture of “walking beside” my children, even as the clock ticks and our hearts beat to a rhythm WE are creating together.


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