compassion, letting go of assumptions
Tonight I am reflecting on the assumptions I made today about what was going on in the hearts and minds of others in my family today. I had a story line going in my head – created from my own fears, needs, and insecurities.

Turns out I was wrong. Turns out that one of my dear ones is dealing with an injury that has them a bit scared. I had no idea. When I found out, I looked back at the afternoon with my family in such a different way.

I saw their kindness, their desire to be about me – not against me. Toooootally different than the perspective I had earlier as I looked through the narrow “it’s about me” lens and got rigid and stressed.  I got out of the victim roll and was filled with compassion and softer eyes for my own self and my family.

It shows me again how we can so get “tunnel vision” and assume we know what’s going on inside others, especially the people closest to us.

The truth is we don’t know the intimate inner workings of another.

We don’t know the inner landscape of another.

We don’t know the deep reasons they may act the way they do.

We don’t know the suffering they have experienced and the wounds they are tending to.

What if we were to start the week with treading lightly in the presence of others? Just when we assume we “got them down,” can we remember that we don’t know what they are carrying in their hearts and minds?

Can we remember what we DO know?
That they could use our compassion more than our critique…
That they could use space to be human instead of expecting them to be perfect?

This is big! This is hard. This is healing.

Perhaps this week, we can remember to take things less personally and send a blessing to each other instead of a harsh look or word. I know that I need to remember this.

Many blessings,




* Dear friends, be nourished and resourced in your everyday life.  Check out compassion coaching, my novel and nourishing approach to life coaching.  See how it might resonate with you and support you in loving and living from your heart.

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