
She felt lost.  She didn’t know who she was anymore.  She came to compassion coaching feeling overwhelmed and lost.  She felt scattered – pulled in a hundred different directions — all before 9 a.m.  Where was SHE in all this?  She wanted to figure out WHY she was so angry and she wanted a logical plan to “figure it all out.”

When we are overwhelmed, when we feel lost or scattered and don’t know what action to take, we often try to figure it out with our heads. We ruminate about it, get hyper focused on the issue, stay fixated on figuring it out, and can lose out on LIVING our lives and seeing the good stuff.  We tend to think that the mind has got to figure it out.  But it’s the heart that holds our life’s purpose and the memory of who we really are.

Aligning ourselves with our hearts…
~ a steadfast, deep sense of contentment arises within us.

~ our nervous systems relax.

~ what seemed impossible or unclear gets sorted out – it can seem that almost spontaneously a “right path” or solution emerges.

~ we listen to a deep call within us and align ourselves with our purpose rather than getting bogged down in the noise of our world.

Slowly, she began to listen to her body – in the present moment.  She began to see how she could hold what was happening with equanimity — allowing whatever was present to be here.  She dropped out of her head and into her heart.  And slowly, she began to trust the wisdom of her heart.  She began to be okay with “not knowing” and not having everything figured out. She even began to more skillfully drop into her body and her heart in everyday moments of feeling irritated, overwhelmed or lost.  And I witnessed over time how she began to remember how it felt to be attuned to her heart and live with a deeper sense of surrender AND aliveness.


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