Baby Pics - first two years-33

Cradling You
By Lisa McCrohan

Tonight, you snuggled close to me,
asked me to stay, wrapped my arms around you.
Listening to the rain and you breathing, I cradled you.
You who are almost up to my shoulders and only six years old!

Today another mom told me her nine year old
doesn’t believe in magic anymore.
Three more years of playing make believe,
making your list to Santa,
putting your tooth under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy
and that’s it?!

When I had my babies, the days moved so slowly.
Minutes seemed like hours until dad would come home
and I wouldn’t have to be alone.
And now all of a sudden, there seems such little time.

How precious these seemingly little, everyday moments are
when I walk by you as you are reading and
I gently kiss the top of your head, or pause to listen
as you tell me about an amazing new idea you have.

Getting dinner ready can wait.
Answering my cell phone can wait.
Responding to an email can wait.

These seemingly little, everyday moments make up a childhood.
So this is why when you cuddle up into my arms tonight
that I gladly will cradle you –
you who are still full of wonder and adventure,
who still asks me to tuck you in,
who still believes in magic.


I will surely linger here because these are the moments
that you will remember deep in your bones
when you are a man, believing that you matter,
believing that everyone deserves such tender presence.

These are the moments that I will remember
deep in my bones when I am an old woman
and they will give me peace, knowing
I have already touched heaven.


Lisa A. McCrohan,

Very soon, I will be turning 40. I’ve had the “opportunity” over the last few years – and especially lately – to reflect on WHAT REALLY MATTERS. This is what matters. Honoring my heart. Slowing down and being with — really being with (and that means OFF my iphone) my kiddos. Choosing to MAKE TIME FOR LOVE. Choosing to let go of the “should” and embrace the truth within me — and follow that…with passion, surrender, laser-like focus, and devotion. I know that there will come a day when my growing son will say, “No, it’s ok, mom. I’ll tuck myself in.” There will come a day when my kiddos will be in college and I can have my house as clean and organized and clutter-free as I want it. So as I look into this next decade, I’m honing in on what matters – even more.

Friends, there is a knowing deeeeep within your heart. Listen to it. Follow it. Even if it doesn’t all make logical sense.


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