“I’m tired of being tired,” she wrote to me.
“What do you do when the soil you are planted in isn’t life-giving, but actually toxic?” Another person asked me.
“I’m working hard to get my health back and to let go of so much baggage, grief, hurt, and anger,” she shared with me.
“I feel scattered, disconnected from my passion, and needing to get my trust back in myself,” she wrote.
“I want to thrive and to feel confident but I don’t know where to begin,” another one wrote.
These are just some of the emails I’ve received from people have started my 5-day course, She is Ready to Rise, where I offer practical and feminine embodiment practices that you can bring into your day so you rise in your power and thrive in your life (it’s free, sister. See below).
Many of us are weary. Some feel stuck. Some feel disconnected from their joy, their purpose, and their inner sense of confidence.
And yet, I sense the revolution happening — within us and our world.
Women are saying, “Enough!” We are raising our voices and looking up – at ourselves and our soulful sisters – and saying, “Wait a second! WE are the ultimate of healers and leaders! And I will no longer negate my worth or put down my voice or get distracted by all the damn distractions!”
At some point, you make the decision to choose YOU.
Your health. Your wellbeing. Your happiness.
And I’m not talking about the “someday” happiness, or the “everything is perfect” happiness, or the “I’ve got it all figured out” kind of happiness.
I’m talking about the kind of happiness that runs soul deep. I’m talking about the kind of soul happiness that is a CHOICE – right now – about how you and I are going to live, respond to, and relate to what is happening in this very moment.
At some point, you will no longer exhaust yourself holding up the world, depleting your reserves, putting everyone else first, and working and serving in a way that exhausts you.
At some point, you say, “Enough. I’m tired of being tired.”
At some point, you say, “I am claiming my time, my life, my health, my voice, and my passion.”
At some point, you say, “I am worthy of thriving.”
Maybe you believe you don’t deserve it.
Maybe that’s our misogynist culture that sends the message to women and girls, “You have to be the nurturer who takes care of everyone else at your own expense.”
It’s a way of keeping us down, our voices quiet, our brains confused, and our bodies exhausted.
It’s a way of keeping us from claiming and embodying our feminine power.
When we are tired, quiet, and wrapped up in our thoughts of worthiness, we are in perpetual “decision-fatigue.”
“Is it selfish to take care of myself?”
“Do I say something, don’t I say something?”
“I have to take care of me but I also have a million responsibilities. How do I choose between what is important and what is important?!”
And all that taking care of others we do?! Therapists intimately know what happens when we go around taking care of everyone else, always saying “yes,” taking on too much, and putting our thriving last – we get “compassion fatigue.”
We are exhausted from giving too much.
Dear beautiful sister, there comes a time when you wake up to this toxic way of living and you take your life back – not because you have it all figured out and there is a neat and tidy path laid out before you to follow – but because it’s so damn time.
You decide that bravery isn’t the absence of fear. Bravery is answering the call of your heart.
You decide to honor your body. You decide to live your life based on your terms. And you decide to figure out those terms. You decide to listen within to what your own Heart is speaking to you.
You decide to invest in you. You call the resources that going to hold space for YOU. You decide to put YOU in your budget and schedule.
Yes, you are scared. Yes, you are anxious. Yes, you wonder, “What if…..?” But there comes a time when the fear, anxiety, and questions won’t hold you back anymore. Because you want your joy and moxie back.
You want to trust yourself and feel confident. You want to thrive.
And let me say something about “confidence.” I’m talking about the soul-deep confidence that arises from honoring yourself – from choosing YOU. You can still have the voice of doubt saying, “Who do you think you are?” AND still decide to honor YOU. THAT is confidence.
Confidence is NOT the absence of doubt. It’s the choice you make when your voice shakes and you still speak your truth. It’s the choice you make in the mess, uncertainty. and imperfection of life to “go for what your heart is calling you to.”
There is a revolution wanting to happen. WE are rising.
Whether you are going through a messy separation from your partner, sitting here in midlife wondering, “Where in the hell am I in all this?”, coming out of winter feeling sluggish and unmotivated, flopped on the couch because you live in perpetual overwhelm….
It’s time, sister.
It’s time for YOU thrive. It’s time WE thrive. THAT is the revolution happening right now. It starts within each one of us – rising and thriving. It starts with you taking back your life and identifying, “THIS is what is most sacred to me.” And you have the courage amid the fear, self-doubt, and insecurity to take the action necessary to base your everyday life on what is most sacred to you.
I so believe in the power of EACH woman rising from within. That is why I continue to offer ONE-ON-ONE coaching!
Because every single person I see – every single person I know in my personal life and professional life – is HUNGRY for the breathing and healing space where someone who is grounded, clear, walking her talk, wise, and so damn authentic, skilled, and intuitive sees YOU and is all about YOU.
That’s the thing – there are a ton of practitioners out there. And when I go to a practitioner for ME, I want someone who is grounded, someone who knows she must be resource and nourished so she can be a wise presence for her clients, someone who has excellent boundaries, someone who is authentic, someone who has the CLEAR SPACE within her to HOLD SPACE FOR ME.
I do not want to see a healer who is exhausted, drained, over-extended, and tired. I do not want to see a therapist or coach who is booked to the brim, running from one client to the next, and who is overwhelmed.
I bet you don’t want that either!
We want to be with someone who is walking their talk. They don’t have to have everything figured out (what’s that?). We don’t want perfection. We want AUTHENTICITY. We want someone who is LIVING their life based on what is most sacred to them. We want someone who is invested in their OWN self care so they can be present to us.
And that is why I keep offering one-on-one coaching and psychotherapy.
“To put it simply, Lisa gave me my life back…The ‘returning to self’ is how I like to think of the work Lisa did with me. She reminded me of who I have always been and helped me to see that I can let me be that person to the fullest. She gave me the courage to step forward. I will be eternally grateful for her and the work she did with me.” – Kristen, Hawaii, Coaching Client
I want to hold space for the weary hearts, bodies, psyches, and spirits that come to me so they can be nourished and their light can shine in our world. I want to empower women to harness their power (creativity, intelligence, intuition, leadership abilities) so that when they are present for others – at home and in their work as a professional and leader – they have excellent boundaries. They know how to say “yes” and how to say “no.” They will raise their hand at opportunities to lead even if they are afraid or doubt themselves. They have a vision for their lives and they stay so damn focused on honoring what is most sacred to them.
If you are ready to really rise into your power and thrive in your everyday life, schedule a half-hour free consult with me to see if we might be a good fit for coaching.
To be the change-maker and wise leader you are called to be, it’s time to make “you” a priority. Whether you want to hone your leadership skills or find your joy, it’s time to give yourself the space to create the life you want to lead.
Maybe it’s time to have the right coach by your side to hold space for you to clear out the distractions, get focused, and bring your life into rhythm with what is sacred (most important) to you.
Are you wondering what Coaching looks like? Maybe you’ve never been with a coach before. Here’s what you can expect:
You come as you are. You bring your anxiety, “stuff,” questions, hopes, and fears. We assess where you are right now and identify where you want to go. I’m really big on supporting clients to have a clear vision based on their desires – the soul desires that need breathing space now.
We work through old habits and stories you tell yourself and that hold you back from thriving and trusting yourself. You put into practice the mindfulness, compassion, and feminine embodiment practices I guide you through in our sessions. You begin to sense shifts happening in your life. You start practicing radical self-responsibility. And as a result, you start to feel empowered, hopeful, and aligned with what is most sacred to you.
Dear soul sister, it is so time to rise. It is so time to honor the revolution within you that wants to happen. It’s time for you to thrive – with clarity, focus, and vibrancy.
Blessings,“You are such an amazing woman and have a fantastic gift of knowing how to bring joy and trust to my life. My journey with you has been one that I will savor for the rest of my life.” – Kimberly. Personal Coaching Client