Pure Delight

Love, you are even
more gorgeous as you age.
The world’s definition of beauty
has nothing on you.
Go saunter around like you are
a goddess –
nothing to prove, chase, or
explain –
just embodying
pure delight.

Lisa McCrohan © 2024


Sacred Somatic Practice:

What would it be like to saunter around like you are a goddess?!

How would your body move…your hips, your waist, your shoulders and arms?

What expression would you have on your face?

What pace would you go at?

How would you walk into your kitchen or your next meeting?

What if you just played with this?

You don’t need anyone else’s permission to saunter around like you are a goddess. You don’t need anyone else’s permission to embody pure delight – your own expression of it. Imagine how much more alive you’d feel…how free you’d feel if you gave yourself permission to embody your delight…to embody the goddess in you?



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