by Lisa McCrohan | Sep 22, 2019 | Cultivating Compassion, Serving, Healing and Transforming Our World, Soulful Poetry
The Gospel Within You There is a gospel within you that wants to be preached with words – possibly – but mostly with your body truth spoken through the way your feet stand firmly and confidently on the earth the way you t a k e u p s p a c e the way you are done...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 8, 2019 | Living Your Spirituality in Everyday Life, Soulful Poetry
The Soul’s Way You think that you can control what will come by planning and striving, reaching and being ever so organized. When you have “everything in place,” you have the illusion of control. For a while, you may feel satisfied, the hunger seems quelled, and all...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 2, 2019 | living with intention and purpose
“Focus is the new superpower.” I read this recently in a business journal. I think that right now, we are craving SOUL focus. Two years ago, I facilitated a workshop at Georgetown University for faculty and staff about how to focus. “Focus” is going to emerge...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jun 27, 2019 | Linger Here Podcast, Soulful Poetry
Devotion Great Mother, I surrender any and every version of myself to you – any plan, any vision, and every hope. You are all my ideas and dreams. I am and always have been on this path of devotion to you. I am embracing it now with even more fullness. Thank you for...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jun 18, 2019 | Soulful Poetry
It’s Time to Forgive Yourself It’s time to forgive yourself. It’s time to take all that energy that’s bound up in nailing yourself to the cross and courageously live. God has so much to say through you – so many people to comfort through your kind eyes and gentle...