by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 10, 2013 | Soulful Poetry
Finally What would you finally have to feel if one evening after a long day you decided to slow down let the dirty dishes sit there in the sink or even on the counter stopped busying yourself with perfecting things that really don’t matter turned off the TV put down...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 9, 2013 | Parenting with Compassion
Today’s Gem of Noticing: How are we raising our boys? Here is to raising boys who are compassionate “Mom, here. Hand me your bucket. I’ve got it,” My six year old son said to me. We were blueberry picking in the warm summer rain at a local...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 6, 2013 | Nourishing Our Connections, Soulful Poetry
Take Me Take me, my Beloved. Take my lips and breasts and hips. Take me in to you, every cell of you. My flesh, your flesh. My strength, your strength. My heart, your heart. Take my embrace, my soft kisses, my caresses, my slow, rhythmical swirls. Let my arms be the...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 5, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Mindful Motherhood, Parenting with Compassion
Today’s Gems of Presence: “Walk beside me.” Back in May, we “farm sat” for a long weekend. Chewy, one of the dogs, never left our son’s side. A few days ago, my son and I were out back playing at the playground. It was getting...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 2, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Mindful Motherhood, Parenting with Compassion
(I just shared this on Facebook tonight, but I thought of how many moms I hear from every week who talk about the “mama’s guilt” they carry and thought this needed to be shared in the blog, too. This post is for all of you who have children and need...