by Lisa McCrohan | Jan 13, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Parenting with Compassion
I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s book, “Daring Greatly.” It is extraordinary. What she has researched and writes about is what my heart intuitively knows. Soooo much more to come, but I wanted to share this… Living courageously is...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jan 3, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Mindful Motherhood, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
One evening in December, our bedtime ritual started out like to does every night: brushing teeth, pjs, a book, a few songs, a prayer, and me laying with our two year old daughter while Brian lays with our five year old son. Our son, he is asleep in like two minutes. ...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jan 1, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe
For the past three years, I’ve chosen a word, or a few words, for the year. Each year, these words have taken up residence in my heart, words, interactions, and daily living. They have stretched me and shifted things within me and my life. They are still with...
by Lisa McCrohan | Dec 29, 2012 | Cultivating Compassion, Living Your Spirituality in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
Today, is it possible to look at all people with the eyes of compassion? To practice looking at even those who frustrate you, annoy you, anger you, disgust you with softer eyes? To see beyond the exterior mask they wear? Some times it’s helpful to imagine...
by Lisa McCrohan | Dec 23, 2012 | Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
Moms. We are a powerful bunch. Blood, vomit, skinned knees and elbows, broken bones, broken hearts, lost lovies, middle of the night hugs and holding. Can’t find your favorite blanket? No problem. Want to play basketball this winter? We’ll get you...