Sisterhood We have shown up for each other, again and again - in the darker and harder moments, and in the joyful and celebratory moments. We have shown up with our homemade soups and grocery-store-bought dinners. We have shown up with our sleeves rolled up ready to...
Being Your Own Best Friend – wise advice from a teenager
Awhile back, I heard my teen-aged daughter talking on the phone with a friend. This is what I heard that made my heart so happy: (I created a little photo so you can save it and keep it for yourself) In the kitchen where I was standing, I smiled and was like, "My job...
Feeling Stuck or Depressed? MOVE With Me To Revitalize Your Joy
Alright, folks, I've been hearing a lot from everyone that we feel stuck and somewhat depressed right now. Some of you are asking me if you have Seasonal Affect Disorder. Some of you are swirling with thoughts and thoughts and thoughts! Your thoughts are looping over...
Pure Delight
Pure Delight Love, you are even more gorgeous as you age. The world's definition of beauty has nothing on you. Go saunter around like you are a goddess – nothing to prove, chase, or explain – just embodying pure delight. Lisa McCrohan © 2024 Sacred Somatic...
Ceviche and Thank You: A Simple Sacred Somatic Practice
Ceviche and Thank You I put on my Latin playlist. A song by Mercedes Sosa came on that I love. I was humming these lines as I strolled through the isles of the grocery store picking out fish, tomatoes, lime juice, and cilantro to make ceviche: Gracias a la vida, Que...
This is Peace, Honey
This is Peace, Honey This is peace, Honey. Waking up to the sun filtering in through the window slowly dancing sunbeams on your skin. Taking your time. Knowing you haven't missed anything and you are not behind. You are protected. You are guided. Dive deep into this...
Fangs or Wings: Embodied Authenticity
Fangs or Wings What if you didn’t try to be good? What if you didn’t try to keep it all together? What if you stopped playing nice? What if you stopped taking responsibility for other people’s emotional state and happiness? How might you roar or hiss? How might...
Feeling that Sacred Hum of Aliveness Again
The Sacred Hum Beloved, listen beneath the chatter and the harshly layered sounds of modern life. Listen to the gentle yet steadfast beating of your heart. Listen to the ocean waves of your breath rising and receding in each new moment. Beneath it all – within it all...
This fall, you could feel…
When September arrives, doesn't it feel like you are starting a new year? Even if you don't have children or don't work for a school or university, somehow that rhythm from when we were young of starting a new school year remains with us. It's a fresh start! Over the...
Getting Out of the Boxes and Into Your Sacred Life
"I will not reason or compare. My business is to create." William Blake Is it following what delights your heart or leading a life you deeply love? Is it psychology or spirituality? How about Integrative healing modalities or practical advice for effective and...