Soul-Nourishing Sunday Gem: The wise, compassionate leadership our children need right now

Soul-Nourishing Sunday Gem: The wise, compassionate leadership our children need right now

I can remember the moment, six years ago, when my son started kindergarten.  I was like every mom with her first child: I was nervous about how he would be regarded by his teachers and peers.  I was nervous if he’d be cared for with kindness.  I hoped his teachers...

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A Woman’s Peace in Midlife

A Woman’s Peace in Midlife

A Woman’s Peace in Mid-Life The older I get, the less I want, the less I look for approval, the less I base my happiness on circumstances, the less I try to change people, the less I carry, and the more I am aware of the brevity of this life, the more I trust in the...

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Whatever You Dream

Whatever You Dream

Whatever You Dream Whatever you dream, my dear, know that it is possible because I placed this dream within you long before you ever heard me whispering it to you. And I will make it happen because I want you to flourish and the world needs your spirit to soar. -...

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