How a Big Mistake Became a Blessing
Back when I was in the middle of publishing Gems of Delight, I made a big mistake. After many edits had been done on GoD, we ran our hard-copy proofs and mailed them out to my pre-readers. I was so excited to finally hold GoD in my hands in book form! We did some...
I still remember this moment of deep appreciation for my husband, Brian. It was 10:30 pm in the Atlanta airport. We were coming home from ten days in Costa Rica. Our travel had started early and involved hours of driving through potholes, tending to hungry and tired...
When searching for “why” doesn’t bring healing (or peace…or change)
Everyday Resurrection By Lisa McCrohan There comes a moment when you know that you can no longer keep digging in the past searching for the magical golden “why” that you think will finally heal that one tender wound. There comes a defining moment when you are standing...
Radical Tenderness – Where to Start
At the start of the summer, I got out markers and a plain piece of paper. And on the paper, I wrote "tenderness." I placed it on my desk where I'd see it every day. I need this reminder - plain and simple. For many years, at the start of the year, I have chosen a...
A Revolution of Tenderness: a summer experience to heal the harshness and embrace what is sacred
Buying a new home and selling your home can be stressful, they tell me. Last time we moved, we were leaving a one-room apartment in Boston. We packed up our tiny Honda Civic, hitched up the UHaul, and headed south to Maryland. We had no children and not much...
Following your dream: it’s not a luxury but a soul necessity.
Recently when I was speaking about Gems of Delight, a person came up to me and said, "Lisa, I'd love to write!” And then lowering her head, she said, “but I don't have that luxury." She went on to talk about her life and shared some of the things she has been through...
the power of one little three-letter word
Back in January, my friend, Judy, gave me the name of an Indie publisher. Judy is one of my closest friends here in Frederick and she has know how I've been called to write and publish a book since I was a little girl. She has journeyed with me through many seasons...
I’ll still choose to notice and linger
The other day, my son asked if I sit with him and work on some school work with him. I sat there, watching him. I had been taking pictures earlier of spring flowers and my camera was sitting next to me as we worked at the kitchen table. I watched my son working math...
Risk Asking
One of the people on my GoD Squad (my Gems of Delight Book Launch Team), Heidi, posted this TED Talk by Amanda Palmer for me to see: Writing a book is one thing. It takes devotion, listening within, and discipline. But asking for others to help you share the soulful...
Gems of Delight sneak peek!
I shared a “sneak peek” of Gems of Delight with my G.O.D. Squad (aka the beautiful tribe of people who are the launch team for Gems of Delight) and they loved it! They wanted more! (That’s good! Because there’s a whole book of these Gems!). They also said to share...