Today is Labor Day in the U.S. Today I hope you you can rest your "laboring" and linger awhile seeing this moment, this day, as a gift. A few days ago, we had a family emergency. No one wants to get a phone call late at night like this. That moment I found myself...
Here The holy is right here in this moment. Linger here watching your daughter’s eyelashes flutter as she pulls you closer in her fairy dress and pearls, cups her little hands so softly around your ear, and whispers a magical secret. Linger here watching your son’s...
Gem of Beginning Again
We had a rough first day back to school. My kiddos were bugging each other, Brian and I got frustrated, buttons were pushed and old habits of reacting kicked in – all before 8:30 a.m. What do you do on mornings like this? Begin again. The kiddos kept at it in the car...
Love Looks
"When a kid walks in a room, your child or anybody else's child, does your face light up? That's what they're looking for." - Toni Morrison I still remember the day I was sitting down on the couch talking on the phone to an old college friend while my husband and our...
Make Time for Love
Make Time for Love Make time for love in your day amidst the hurry tackling the “to do” list always waiting for a pause to do what really matters but every night falling into bed exhausted, saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Make time for love when you wake up gently...
Moments Tonight I needed to sleep with the windows open and hear crickets and cicadas to feel fall arriving soon to be reminded that nothing is permanent – hot summer days crickets, cicadas emptiness, fullness life, death you, me. Tonight I needed to sleep with the...
Gem of Compassion: Letting go of assumptions
Tonight I am reflecting on the assumptions I made today about what was going on in the hearts and minds of others in my family today. I had a story line going in my head - created from my own fears, needs, and insecurities. Turns out I was wrong. Turns out that one of...
In this fast-paced, “no-time-for-loving-eye-contact” world, we can forget to really “see” another. We can forget to regard another. We can forget that all of us want to be seen, to have someone’s full presence for a moment or two, and to be fully accepted. We can forget that every day we are dealing with tender, tender hearts. And everyone longs to be regarded.
Just doing what kids do
Today, words of mine are being featured on Jodi Lobozzo Aman's lovely site, Heal Now and Forever Be in Peace. What a way to return from Costa Rica! Thank you, Jodi. Here is the link. I hope you...
Returning to the Waters
Returning to the Waters It serves a soul every now and then to go completely off the grid, let our nervous system settle, reconnect with what matters most, unplug and allow ourselves to be nourished. It serves a family every now and then to drop the busy, reconnect...