Awakening to Blossom: A Springtime Guided Meditation
Spring Yesterday, I dug my hands into the earth cleaned out dead leaves and blossoms from around the hydrangea bushes, lambs ear plants, cherry trees, and maple trees. Instantly the smell of dirt filled my senses. I stopped. Ahhhh the smell of spring! As I cleared out...
Rest is the New Superpower
I'm sitting here listening to a client share with me that their teenager is hurting themselves. We are only 31 days into a new year, and already I've heard several stories of teens struggling with anxiety, depression, and self-harm. I'm concerned. And I'm angry....
Give yourself the best of you – not what’s left of you
One Day She Realized One day she realized that the person she needed to tend to the most was her own self. Even as a mom, a lover, a healer, a friend, she understood that where she needed to put her attention - every single day – was on her own self-care. So she...
The Choice to Love Yourself
As a coach and psychotherapist, I hear people’s secrets. One of the biggest secrets? Every single one of us feels inadequate, insecure, alone, and ashamed at times. And we treat ourselves so harshly. Self-love isn’t selfish. It’s far from wimpy. Having compassion for yourself and loving yourself is one of the most courageous things you will do in your life.
Dealing With Your “Thought Demons”
When the Clouds Roll In When the clouds roll in and it is hard to see remember that there is indeed a sun there above the clouds ready to warm you, there is indeed an earth there beneath you ready to ground you. And just because you can't see clearly in this moment,...
To Be Delighted Again
To Be Delighted Again My heart is calling me to take a break from all the noise – all the distractions of modern life that leave a body, brain, nervous system, and soul quite weary. I need to be outside and breathe the mountain air. I need to go on an adventure that...
Rising: Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be an author. I wanted to be a leader by being a mayor of a small town. And I wanted to own my own business - like being a real estate agent. My mom -- to support my courageous spirit -- she said, "Let's go and get your...
It’s Time for Something Delightful
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own...
Habit Stacking with Self-Love
My Sovereign Self The gateway to my freedom is my commitment to radical self-love, honoring what I know to be true, and listening to the whispers of Spirit rising from within me. I value my time, energy, and ideas. I value what matters most deeply to me, and I design...
Atomic Habits, Mega Love
Don’t Wait Don’t wait until you feel like you are worthy or good enough to treat yourself with kindness and compassion to go for your dreams to pause working so hard and stretch and enjoy a cup of tea and a quiet moment to speak to yourself as you would to your best...