Daily Delight Project. #9: small hands, lightening bugs, mom’s guilt, and practicing self-forgiveness
(I just shared this on Facebook tonight, but I thought of how many moms I hear from every week who talk about the "mama's guilt" they carry and thought this needed to be shared in the blog, too. This post is for all of you who have children and need a dose of seeing...
Three things to say to your child every day
She bent down to look at her five year old superhero. “I see you, Cooper,” she said with a softness that made even me feel like I was wrapped in a warm blanket. Her eyes were full of regard and her arms welcomed her son close to her. My dear friend, Becki, had just...
Four ways to choose joy right now in this moment
Today's Gem of Joy: People often come to me already aware/awake that they want to live an intentional life, that how they are currently doing things isn't working, and they want to be happy and feel connected. But they want to know HOW. How do I cultivate...
The Daily Delight Project. 1 – 5
New to the Daily Delight Project? Here's the scoop: I believe in the power of delight to transform our hearts, relationships, and lives. For six months, from Juen 24, 2013 until December 24, 2013, I am pausing for a moment everyday and asking the question: "What...
Introducing the Daily Delight Project
I believe that delight is our true nature. Our busy, hurried, always-on-the-go lives leave us fried, frazzled, treating ourselves harshly, and reacting to our dear ones out of stress and fear instead of responding with love. It squeezes the delight right out of us. ...
Don’t Hold Back
Gem of Truth: How many of us hold back? Hold back from saying, “I love you” or telling a dear one how you light up when they are with you? Hold back from appreciating this life of yours and being grateful? Hold back from asking for what you want? Asking for support, a...
Who’s Coming to Dinner?!
Brian and I are doing something new this summer around here at our house. We are calling it: "Who's Coming to Dinner?!" Every week we are putting an open invitation out there to our friends and family to be spontaneous, try something new, and come for dinner one...
Love Heals
Have you tried meditating but you can't seem to "get into it?" Don't know where to start? Maybe you have heard of the benefits of meditation and you've wanted to sit and get focused, but you just don't know how or you can't get into it. Lovingkindness...
Unexpected Blessings
(Many of you have asked how this whole concussion experience has changed me. Here you go. I hope this resonates with you, encourages you, uplifts you, and empowers you to live with a deeper sense of delight, compassion,and connection in your everyday life. It's a...
What are you losing by not taking the risk?
“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin Last night a friend shared a question that her pastor posed to their congregation on Sunday. The sermon was on taking risks to listen to God...