daring to drop it all to find the miraculous right here
"Dare to drop the perfect and find the miraculous in your everyday life. We are about living courageously right here in the middle of crazy mornings, mounds of laundry-folding, tantrums (ours and our children’s), deadlines, heartaches, and the quietly content moments....
the ways others love us
I have been recouping from an injury and it's been oh so humbling, bringing me to what is most important, softening me, and bringing me back into the lap of God...to rest, renew, and heal. I have been in awe of the kindness others have shown us: ~ Neighbors and...
My Hope for the New Pope’s First Address
Can you imagine a liberal priest is elected the next pope? And in his first address to the faithful, he says: “…and on the matter of gay marriage: Yes. Starting now gay men and women are embraced by this church and their partnership will be recognized, celebrated...
A love poem about the everyday kind of love…and saying yes
Several years ago, a friend invited me to her bridal shower. As we were going around sharing who we were, my friend introduced me as a poet and someone who "always has poetic words that inspire and nourish" her spirit. I was a bit embarrassed being the center of...
This is what love feels like
This is What Love Feels Like Laying down for a nap with my daughter curled up with my belly to her back my arms around her little almost three year old body little feet resting on my thighs rhythmic breathing deeply together we sleep sacred holy complete this is what...
simple gems
As I am recouping from an injury, I have had the blessing of really appreciating the simple things in our life: the kindness of friends and family who want to help us and provide for us the generosity of others the way my daughter's smile radiates delight how my son's...
Receiving mode
It takes courage to admit we can't. It takes courage to do what we know we need to do to heal while the world around us tries to suck us back into the busyness. Well, friends, last week I stepped on to a moving treadmill that I thought wasn't moving. And now I am...
Mindful art
Check out this beautiful card I recently made! Mindful art. I realize that's what I've always been about in my writing and my art -- creating works of art that inspire compassion, mindfulness, soulfulness, and connection in our everyday lives. This desire to create...
Everyday Courage
Sometimes the most courageous thing we do in a day is say, “yes.” Yes to the mess and the imperfect. Yes to looking at our children with regard, and softly saying, “You matter.” Yes to responding to our partners with eyes of compassion instead of reacting out of...
A poem to me on my 39th birthday
(A poem for me, to me, on my 39th birthday, shared as prayer with you)... Embodied The other night, I watched a video of me that Brian recently filmed. It was me leading a meditation. Half way through, I stopped and paused it. I sat there, staring at the still frame...