Running over a snake
I have no picture. I didn't want to take one. There is one already etched in my mind. The other evening, we were all packed up in the minivan and off to our friend's house for a lovely evening to be had. We parked. We started to get out. Then we noticed a...
Regarding Life
Today, on my way to work, winding around the beautiful Cabin John parkway in DC, next to the Potomac River, at 6:30 in the morning, I saw a huge turtle trying to cross the road. I let out a gasp. Then I quickly looked around to see if there was a place to pull off. Of...
The Miracle in the Now
The miracle is finding the peace and beauty in the ordinariness of our everyday lives. Seeing it all as SACRED. A gift. May we all experience several miracles today!! (Coming soon...a video series on finding the sacred in everyday life!)
Repost: Mindful Moment: My mom’s every day love…in a grapefruit
{I wrote this a year ago. I am moved by the compassion within the human spirit -- to care for another human being, to love, to "be of service" to others. I see how we are WARRIORS -- we do ordinary things with extraordinary love}. Grapefruit. I could’ve sobbed over...
Tips for Parenting with Compassion # 8: Find the Sacred Pause
There is an opportunity. Every day. To look for, notice, see, be graced by something sweet. The most simple, quiet acts of kindness. They are there. Present. Every day. Some days, we are D.O.N.E.! Some days are filled more with whining, complaining, tantrums, and...
Three ways to mother ourselves
We all have them. Parts of ourselves that we try to avoid looking at. Parts we deny are there. Parts we get furious with for being "weak" and "wanting attention." The angry, guilty, ashamed, resentful, judgmental, rage-full, needy parts. How about the "no way in the...
Made by tiny hands with love: the best mother’s day gifts
I am that mom today. The mom who gets home-made gifts from her kiddos. This is the first time. And I am beaming. I held this two pieces of pottery painted by my children, and I instantly treasured them. I had a flash to the future when my children are grown and...
Tips for Mindful Relationships #4: It’s Your Choice
In a Single Day There are a million chances in a single day when we have the power to create or destroy, to build someone up or tear them down, a million chances to pull away or move toward, to be right or be kind, to act out of fear or choose Love. Lisa A. McCrohan ©...
Believing in our beauty
The other evening, I was walking out of a lovely meditation in the softness of candlelight, when I noticed a woman's reflection in the mirror. In an instant I was moved by her and I said to myself, "Oh my goodness. That woman is beautiful!" I looked again. That woman...
Spontaneous Kindness
Unbeknownst to me, yesterday, Brian took the kiddos on a "special mommy's day mission" to make something for me. While they were downtown, a man was handing out roses to people. Maybe it was part of our town's "first Saturday" celebration. Maybe he was just handing...