Begin Whatever it is that would deeply delight your heart, begin it - not just because it’s a new year, but because IT IS TIME. And your spirit has been calling out to you for awhile now. The old habits will soon begin to fade. Don’t get caught up in your...
Nourished. Trust that you are being guided. Lean in to this trust. Remember that you are held. Always. You are Source manifested in this form. Tend to this form of yours! Your body yearns for attention and care - not “some day” but...
Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice Up early before the first lights of dawn appear, turn on the soft lights of the Christmas tree and light a candle. Put on a soft sweater – hearty, warm and cozy. Wrap a blanket around you. Take out the notebook or sketch pad, or simply cup your hands...
You Know Who You Are
You Know Who You Are It’s time for you to rise. It’s time you get up and honor your truth live your dream speak from your heart and announce how it’s going down. You are done saying you are fine. You are done playing small and hiding your light. You are done caring if...
The Mindful Way to Deal with Self-Doubt
Self-doubt comes up often in my work with clients in professional and personal coaching. It’s time to talk about a mindful way to deal with self-doubt on the blog so all of us can relate better to it and we can get on with letting our light shine at home, work,...
A Vow of Forgiveness
A Vow of Forgiveness When I feel the desire to be unkind, to judge harshly, to pull away, or to blame, I vow to wake up in that moment and remember that all of us want to be loved, to love, to be touched, to belong, to know we are good, to be seen. I vow to pause, put...
Inclining the mind toward gratitude, cultivating a heart posture overflowing with gratefulness
My spouse's blue eyes filled with kindness as he says "goodbye" to me no matter the kind of morning we've all had. My daughter's kind words as she looks over my shoulder at the work I am doing. My son pats on my back at the end of a hug between us before he...
Your Wings: Learning to Rise and Lead
Your Wings Why are you still playing small? Rise up, my Love. The nest you are in is too small for you. Jump out! Take a leap and fly! You were meant to soar. Your wings were meant to draw people’s eyes up to the heavens in awe. Lisa McCrohan, © 2018 I know so many...
Our Children, Their Bodies: promoting positive body image in tweens and teens
Promoting a positive body image in our tweens and teens starts with regard. Awhile back I was talking to a client who has a tween son. She said to me, "Sports have started up and OHHHHH my god, the smell!" She told the story of how he came home from practice and she...
Planting the Seed of Meaning and Purpose in our children’s lives
Two years after I had graduated from college, I discerned that I was going to work and live in solidarity with the marginalized. I didn’t want to just work at a free clinic and then go home to my nice apartment. I wanted to be alongside the marginalized. I looked into...