Introducing Lisa’s New Book!

Your Light Is Rising

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Your Light Is Rising

You have a light to shine, a wildness to embody, and a medicine to share.

Our fast-paced, always-on modern world is full of distractions and listening to the wisdom of the soul isn’t easy. Your Light Is Rising is your poetic guide and journal to come back home to yourself and kindle the light of your soul to shine.

Following the rhythm of the day, Your Light Is Rising offers short sacred poetry, practices, and reflections that nourish your soul, soothe your nervous system, and inspire you to say “yes” to the wisdom within you.

Dawn calls forth hope to blossom in your body and soul, morning invites you to practice courage, midday challenges you to redefine strength, afternoon asks you to plant seeds of compassion, and evening readies you for sleep with soothing words of peace.

Lisa McCrohan’s soulful poetry and reflections help you to tune out the voices of the world and tune into the wisdom of your body and soul so that, together, our light shines to heal our homes, communities, and world.  This is Lisa’s second book successfully funded through Kickstarter (thanks to all our backers!).

What People Are Saying

About Your Light is Rising

In Your Light is Rising, Lisa McCrohan reveals her divine purpose: meeting human beings right where they are and gently offering them permission and tools to cultivate their pathway to peace. This book is a gift to its reader, and it goes beyond that; I see this as a gift to humanity. Your Light is Rising taps into the power of human resilience and the power of feeling seen. It is my greatest hope that the world will embrace this soul-soothing guide as a beloved companion for the most challenging moments of each day.

Rachel Macy Stafford

New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and certified special education teacher, Hands Free Mama, Hands Free Life, and Only Love Today

Lisa gifts us a new way to see ourselves through the beauty & truth of poetry. Her hopeful words leave me feeling seen and inspired to reframe how I think about my day, my family’s rhythms, and my connection to myself and my community. Our world would flourish if all mothers read this book and practiced the sacred pauses from Your Light is Rising.  Lisa invites us to step away from the distractions of our modern world and into the sacred within us. Her poems are a calling—one well worth answering. I encourage you to read this compassion-filled book as a way to pause–truly taking time for yourself & making space for love.

Lori Beth Auldridge

Host of The Elevating Motherhood Podcast, Elevating Motherhood

Lisa’s words are truly balm for the soul.  With her gentle presence and support through our everyday journeys, she moves us all with her poetry. Lisa is somehow able to create a safe space and haven for all the ups and downs we may be feeling. This is the type of book to leave bedside and read it over and over. 

Tracy Brooks

Writer and Shamanic Practitioner, Soul Beckons

Such a beautiful gift! Lisa’s warm embrace toward self and others within these pages is the soothing balm our weary souls need. Your Light Is Rising invites us to shine a soft light into our dark corners to help us heal our tender spots with compassion and kindness.

Judy Bazis

Founder, Illuminate Festivals

On the surface, Lisa McCrohan’s latest work, Your Light is Rising, is filled with all of the things she is so, so good at offering us: hope and possibility, opportunities for awakening. Spend time sinking into the experience of her mission for us, and there is much more to discover. Lisa’s guidance and promptings allowed me to release grief previously inaccessible, and to shed tension that was holding me away from people I love. There is not a greater gift, than this. I’m imagining a world in which we all turn to Lisa’s words in the moments of pause within our days (instead of to our phones—as Lisa suggested!) What a more authentic and resonant world it would be.

Meghan Nathanson

Writer & Artist,

Lisa’s poetry is balm for our tired soul’s right now. Your Light is Rising is filled with the life-giving fuel we need to rise up and keep living into our truths. This is my new morning inspiration to have by my side. 

Shawn Fink

Speaker + Life and Well-being Coach, The Abundant Mama Project

Your Light is Rising nurtures my belief that my dreams and passions are possible. Lisa’s poetry reminds me how close the Divine Spirit really is to us, always proud, always loving, always ready to smooth the path for us. This poetic guide is like a portal to unconditional beauty and love.

Maria DiLorenzo

Personal Stylist, MFD Style

In a world of noisy should’s and judgement, Your Light is Rising is so very, very different. Through her poetic wisdom, Lisa McCrohan outstretches her hand, reminds us to BREATHE, and lovingly invites us to both rest, and then move, within the strength, wisdom and grace of the ‘Beloved.’ Like a beautiful park in the middle of a loud, busy concrete city, Your Light is Rising serves as oasis of peace gently inviting you to sit for a while upon an empty bench – admiring the green grass and the blooming flowers, listening to the birds chirp, and feeling the breath inside you flow more slowly, freely, deeply.

Then without warning, you’re startled to hear the infectious laughter of children playing. And in that very moment, you remember who you are and who you were created to be. With one giant exhale – recharged and ready- you begin to move, to love, to create, to dance, to let your beautiful, one-of-a-kind-light SHINE! And meanwhile, watching all of this unfold nearby is your dear friend, Lisa – her eyes smiling, her hands clapping as she joyfully cheers you forward each and every step of the way.

Christy Berning

The Joy Movement

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