by Lisa McCrohan | Apr 1, 2019 | living with intention and purpose
As spring arrives, I find that clients usually start talking to me about how they want to “up their self-care” but do it within the reality of their lives. Spring can be a really busy season for people – spring sports, Scouts, and music lessons....
by Lisa McCrohan | Mar 14, 2019 | living with intention and purpose, Soulful Poetry
At the Start of the Day Kindle the light within you. Let your breath become vibrant. Stretch your body – reaching for the sky and then bowing to the earth. Let your movements build to be strong and slowly generate heat. Gently circle the neck and shoulders,...
by Lisa McCrohan | Feb 19, 2019 | living with intention and purpose, Regarding Our Children
The other day at mass, I noticed an elderly gentleman sitting next to our family. When he stood up, I saw him leaning over in an awkward way with a hunched back and his head tilted to one side. I didn’t know what he was doing or if there was something wrong. I kept...
by Lisa McCrohan | Nov 18, 2018 | living with intention and purpose
My spouse’s blue eyes filled with kindness as he says “goodbye” to me no matter the kind of morning we’ve all had. My daughter’s kind words as she looks over my shoulder at the work I am doing. My son pats on my back at the end of...
by Lisa McCrohan | Sep 13, 2018 | living with intention and purpose, Regarding Our Children, Serving, Healing and Transforming Our World
Two years after I had graduated from college, I discerned that I was going to work and live in solidarity with the marginalized. I didn’t want to just work at a free clinic and then go home to my nice apartment. I wanted to be alongside the marginalized. I looked into...
by Lisa McCrohan | Sep 4, 2018 | living with intention and purpose, Living Your Spirituality in Everyday Life, Soulful Poetry
It’s Time for Beauty When your heart is heavy, when your eyes are tired, when you’ve been working too much and too hard, when your anxiety runs high, when you’ve read about yet another cruelty happening in our world… let it be time for beauty. Yes, pause...