by Lisa McCrohan | Sep 3, 2013 | Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
“Mommy, you put my hair back in a ponytail, pwees?” my little three year old asks. I put down what I was doing and look at her so lovingly. See, my little honey’s hair grows so slowly. It’s fine, wispy and there’s such little of it. She rarely asks me to do anything...
by Lisa McCrohan | Aug 20, 2013 | Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Mindful Motherhood, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
We had a rough first day back to school. My kiddos were bugging each other, Brian and I got frustrated, buttons were pushed and old habits of reacting kicked in – all before 8:30 a.m. What do you do on mornings like this? Begin again. The kiddos kept at it in the car...
by Lisa McCrohan | Aug 18, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
“When a kid walks in a room, your child or anybody else’s child, does your face light up? That’s what they’re looking for.” – Toni Morrison I still remember the day I was sitting down on the couch talking on the phone to an old...
by Lisa McCrohan | Aug 14, 2013 | Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Soulful Poetry
Moments Tonight I needed to sleep with the windows open and hear crickets and cicadas to feel fall arriving soon to be reminded that nothing is permanent – hot summer days crickets, cicadas emptiness, fullness life, death you, me. Tonight I needed to sleep with the...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jul 2, 2013 | Cultivating Compassion, Mindful Motherhood, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
She bent down to look at her five year old superhero. “I see you, Cooper,” she said with a softness that made even me feel like I was wrapped in a warm blanket. Her eyes were full of regard and her arms welcomed her son close to her. My dear friend, Becki, had just...
by Lisa McCrohan | Jun 29, 2013 | Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Mindfulness in Everyday Life
Today’s Gem of Joy: People often come to me already aware/awake that they want to live an intentional life, that how they are currently doing things isn’t working, and they want to be happy and feel connected. But they want to know HOW. How do I...