by Lisa McCrohan | Apr 22, 2012 | Mindful Motherhood, Parenting with Compassion
I recently found this video by Dr. Dan Siegel talking to a group of people about the power of just one word. If you are a parent, you should know him. His work in neuroscience and parenting will change the way you look at parenting…and your child. Here’s...
by Lisa McCrohan | Mar 29, 2012 | Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Mindful Motherhood, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
I read something the other day that made my stomach turn. A blog chastising moms to “love it all” and “enjoy every minute of it.” There are plenty of moments in parenting that just plain bite. There are plenty of moments when I am not...
by Lisa McCrohan | Nov 16, 2011 | Happiness, Delight, Joy, Awe, Parenting with Compassion
I’ve noticed this: many of us are uncomfortable with our kiddos “going wild.” For some time I’ve been noticing myself. Noticing how I get “uncomfortable” when the energy gets a bit high and I start getting on the kiddos to “bring it down.” Sure, it’s appropriate to...
by Lisa McCrohan | Nov 4, 2011 | Parenting with Compassion
His hand. The instant I took this picture and viewed it, my son’s hand drew my attention. It felt…familiar. Its placement. Its energy. Its “feel.” It all reminded me of something. A few weeks later, after I had printed out these pictures and was putting them...
by Lisa McCrohan | Oct 27, 2011 | Mindful Motherhood, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
Grapefruit. I started to softly cry over my grapefruit the other morning. Carefully cutting the outside circle of my grapefruit, I stopped. The memory of my mother so lovingly and thoroughly cutting my grapefruit for me as a girl flooded my mind and heart. Back...
by Lisa McCrohan | Oct 5, 2011 | Cultivating Compassion, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Parenting with Compassion
After I picked up A. from preschool this afternoon, my little honey says, “Mom, ya know what?” Me: “What love?” A.: “I’ve got a thousand hearts in my heart.” Me: “That’s lovely, A.” A.: “Yeah. That...